Aussie Wildlife Crisis

Our native wildlife are about to become refugees in their own country as new land clearing laws unleash a wave of tree chopping across NSW. The homes of millions of endangered animals will be razed. But we have six weeks to Say No! #standup4nature


It’s a terrible time to be a koala, pygmy-possum or quoll in NSW. The housekeepers of our ecosystems are about to be turfed out their homes with nowhere to go. And we’ve got a 6-week window to take a stand. 

New land clearing legislation introduced last year is now available for public review, which means the bulldozing of vital habitat for hundreds of endangered animals is about to commence.

“The government should seek to avoid escalating political costs as the new laws are rolled out," warned Total Environment Centre Director Jeff Angel. “The destruction of each important ecosystem, lost soil and degraded water quality will land at its feet." 

The government's own scientists and many independent experts have questioned the wisdom of these laws.

There is a 6-week consultation period - enough time to show that the people of NSW want more protection for our ecosystems and our wildlife – not less. Don't forget this is about soil and water conservation, not just habitat.

This is the very first important environment decision our new Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton will have to make.

Last year the Government received more than 7,000 submissions in total, with over 5,000 from the Stand Up for Nature alliance of conservation groups which oppose the changes, including the Nature Conservation Council of NSW, World Wildlife Fund, NSW Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service, Humane Society and National Parks Association of NSW.

The alliance cited science based concerns over land-clearing increases, carbon pollution, farmland sustainability and protections for native vegetation and threatened wildlife.

Nature Conservation Council CEO Kate Smolski said the farming sector's response to the proposed reforms showed "these changes are not being made in response to a groundswell response from the farming community." 

“The codes will suit big agribusinesses that can pay ecologists to navigate the maze of complexity, but for the average family farmer these laws are going to be a headache. It’s likely that mistakes will be made and high conservation value bushland that our precious native wildlife depend on will be lost.”  

Will Gladys and her Environment Minister listen to the scientists, farmers and people like you who love our beautiful state and its wildlife?

You can help us make sure that endangered ecosystems are off limits to land clearing.

Call Minister Upton’s office on (02) 8574 6107 and leave a message for her staff to pass on to her. And why not call the Premier Gladys Berejiklian too?  (02) 8574 5000

Here are some key points you may like to make:

  • You’re concerned that the final details of the land clearing legislation that’s just been released don’t properly protect endangered ecosystems from clearing.
  • Koalas are already on the brink of extinction across much of NSW, these new laws will only make their situation worse.
  • The Government’s own scientists have expressed grave concerns about the plans to increase land clearing.

Ask Minister Upton to make sure that all endangered ecosystems are off limits to land clearing. 

What you can do

  • Call Minister Upton’s office on (02) 8574 6107 – you don’t need to be an expert, just show you care about the future of our wildlife, healthy landscapes and our state. 
  • Call the Premier Gladys Berejiklian too - (02) 8574 5000
  • sign the petition
  • Stay tuned. We’ll soon provide more detailed information for you so you can make a submission


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