Fighting for a Green Future is a documentary series that takes you through some of the key wins of the last 50 years by the Australian environment movement; how passionate environmentalists achieved those wins; what needs to change in society, law, economics and politics; and lessons for the future. Interviews with outstanding Australian environmentalists, archival footage, and vision of our beautiful environment.
Featuring: Tim Flannery (scientist and environmentalist), Bob Carr (NSW 'green' Premier), Zali Steggal (independent federal MP), Brad Moggridge (Assoc Prof Water & Kamilaroi man), Greens Senator Peter Whish Wilson, Laura Wells (marine scientist & model), Murray Hogarth (senior journalist, ex-SMH Env Editor), John Seed (Deep Ecologist), Cerin Loane (EDO Counsel for Nature), Juniper Riordan (young science activist).
Presented by: Jeff Angel, a seasoned and well-respected campaigner with over 50 years in the environmental movement.
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We are still campaigning
After 50 years Total Environment Centre is still at the forefront of campaigns to protect nature; stop pollution and waste; defend a liveable climate; and create sustainable cities with green spaces. Our history is here. Your (tax deductible) donation is always important. Please give generously.