TEC believes in a fairer, greener world, and sharing the solutions to get there. We’ve worked with you for almost 50 years to preserve the ecosystems that support healthy communities for all Australians. With over 100 eco victories behind us, and community-focussed campaigns ahead, TEC has the road map for our journey into the future. Come with us! You can also make sure that this vital work continues by donating today.
2022 - Ongoing
- After a decade of campaigning, the National Electricity Market will be gaining a decarbonisation objective. Read the full news article here.
- We establish the Sydney Basin Koala Network to protect and expand core habitat and corridors for the endangered species.
- Bans of single use plastics grow across Australia; and we released the first review of the various state container refund schemes.
- We produced the first Green Electric Car Guide.
- AUSMAP, our microplastics tracking project, continues to build its database of microplastics near waterways and tracking the sources.
- The fourth Green Electricity Guide was published.
2017 - 2021
- Plastic pollution has become a big focus, with wins on bans on single use items across the nation; our citizen science program (AUSMAP) tracking microplastics; and the Ocean Action Pod.
- After many years of campaigning, we finally succeed in making energy efficiency (demand management) a genuine alternative to new power generation in the National Electricity Market.
- TEC is the Urban Green Defender and our work led to the creation of the state's first Minister for Public Spaces; new green space requirements in development; and our Charter for Community Participation being legislated.
- Sydney is spreading westwards imperilling remnant Koala habitat and bushland. We led a group of experts to help develop the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan; and worked with locals to save Sydney's Koalas.
- The goal to make Australia, the first continent to be fully covered by container deposit schemes (Vic and Tas will start in 2023) is won.
2013 – 2016
Our push for refunds on drink containers to clean up our land and waterways is a success in the Northern Territory, then NSW in 2015 and Queensland in 2016 – with a national scheme in sight.
New Green Electricity Guide released ranking all retailers.
Urban Sanctuary campaign launched to combat attacks on urban parks and trees.
Our Waste Not project is funded to create an interactive education website to amplify the impact of the documentary film.
We join with other environment groups to ‘Stand Up For Nature’ to defend land clearing laws.
We launch Hothouse, our innovative engagement program for sustainability. A series of sold out interactive multimedia events in collaboration with the Powerhouse Museum leads to GreenHouse, a monthly event series tackling sustainability issues in a lively inclusive format.
Our major study into community and household off-grid energy storage leads to new proposals to protect solar households from the big utilities.
We curate Waterways Exhibition, a multimedia exploration of Sydney’s waterways, involving leading contemporary artists. Over 4000 people visit the exhibition.
TEC launches the Ocean Action Pod, a mobile multimedia public engagement exhibition to promote plastic pollution awareness along the coast of NSW.
2008 - 2012
Government adopts TEC’s energy efficiency targets for power retailers.
Pioneering program with major property trusts delivers big energy and greenhouse gas savings for over 80 investment grade office buildings.
Waste campaign expands to container deposits, gas bottle, and battery take-back laws. E-waste success in 2011 and container deposits campaign gains momentum.
Advertising industry adopts an Environmental Code, utilising much of our anti-greenwash policy.
Energy Efficiency Communique signed by over 40 businesses.
We release confidential company documents of plans to drill for gas in the city’s pristine water catchments; push to ban drilling eventually successful.
‘Lessons from Leaders’ project showcasing energy and greenhouse improvements in high grade office buildings.
Launch ‘Buying Better’ – finding answers to confusing product labels with environmental claims.
TEC produces the award-winning documentary film, Waste Not, about the beauty of garbage and transitioning to a greener fairer world. It screens in over 30 countries around the world and in schools and TAFEs all over Australia.
2002 - 2007
Our climate change project leads to greenhouse reduction benchmarks for electricity utilities being mandated.
Paths to a Green Economy for state budgets released.
Successful campaign to stop plan to burn native forests for electricity.
We establish our Green Capital program to review corporate sustainability.
Five Point Energy Plan focussing on renewables and demand management.
'BASIX' law requiring new housing to consume 40% less energy and water gazetted as an Olympic legacy.
Green Capital exposes greenwash and holds major events on sustainable cities and finance.
ReByte! a model electronic waste recycling scheme for Australia to help push government and industry into action. National e-waste recycling scheme begins a few years later.
Release FOI documents showing litany of failings to protect rivers from lonwall mining. New subsidence laws brought in.
Review of carbon offset industry exposes carbon cowboys. Carbon Offset Watch leads to new controls.
1996 - 2001
Campaign to return water to the starved Snowy River; success in 2000.
Our Sydney Harbour Inventory shows gross pollution. Government announces $400 million clean-up program.
We join with local people in Gunnedah to fight for controls on aerial spraying of agricultural chemicals.
Land clearing campaign leads to Native Vegetation Conservation Act.
We produce, Greenprint for Sydney, an environmental strategy for the 21st century.
Lake Wollumboola and coastal lands protected from massive development.
Strong Pesticides Act with new prosecution powers and control provisions, passed.
After a ten-year campaign, 324,000ha of old growth, wilderness and coastal forest in the south of NSW become national park.
Integrated ESD Waste Management Plan to divert waste from landfill to recycling and reuse.
Save the Coast campaign involves over 100 local groups. New parks and development controls instituted.
New waste laws include extended producer responsibility and industry waste reduction plans.
First national survey of green power schemes, gives consumers the real picture.
1990 - 1995
New government attempts to reverse hard-won environment gains. TEC and other environment groups stop this attack.
Conceive the Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Act, to protect species; becomes law. Full scale Threatened Species Conservation Act eventually passed.
Western Sydney Air Pollution Campaign. We show daily smog data reveals air pollution is getting worse. Government adopts Smog Action Plan.
Founding member (and chair) of Green Games Watch 2000, to audit Sydney's Green Olympics.
Urban bushland parks plan - many are protected by state and local governments.
Alternative transport plan for Sydney. Dozens of community groups contribute to a public transport push.
Work with fishing and green groups on new fishing laws with ecologically sustainable development principles and new habitat protection measures at their core.
Environmental reforms to Sydney Water and energy utilities to stop pollution and conserve resources.
1984 -1989
First national training course for environmentalists. Second in 1990.
Establish Independent Committee of Inquiry into Nuclear Weapons and Other Consequences of Uranium Mining in Australia.
10-year campaign to protect the South-East Forests begins.
Founding member/chair of the NSW Wildlife Information and Rescue Service.
Our A-Z of Chemicals in the Home is published - 3 editions issued in future years.
Billinudgel threatened by canal estate for 40,000 people. In 1997 made a nature reserve.
New pollution laws are introduced and new green charter for the EPA introduced.
1978 - 1983
Produced the first Australian listing of threatened species and their habitats. Campaign for new laws.
Clean Air for Children Campaign leading to strong new vehicle emission control laws.
Protect Sydney Harbour foreshores - government promises to stop selling public land.
Terania Creek protest starts statewide effort to protect all remaining rainforest. TEC nerve centre for campaign. In 1982, government creates over 200,000 ha of new parks.
We publish the first inventory of coastal estuaries and lagoons in NSW. 1985 sees state protection for over 1,000 areas.
Successful Community Land Campaign to stop alienation of urban parks.
Proposals to protect solar access and encourage solar energy released.
First national conference on the toxic chemical load on the environment and human health. Begin 10-year campaign to ban organochlorines for termite control.
1972 - 1977
Blue Mountains Wilderness Campaign - Southern Blue Mountains, Wollemi, Mt Werong, Nattai, Gardens of Stone all eventually declared national parks.
Forest Protection: Forest Ecosystems - Their Future in NSW, our report becomes the basis for many new parks.
Cooks River- Environment Survey and Landscape Design – implemented over next 30 years by government bringing life back to a once polluted urban river.
Success when the government stops sand mining in national parks.
We work with local people, to protect Lord Howe Island - eventually world heritage reserve.