If you are interested in arranging interviews with our experts contact us at 02 9211 5022 or via email.
Jeff Angel – Executive Director
Jeff is famous for both his uncompromising integrity and his ability to reconcile people and interest groups with no apparent common ground for the good of us all. He's also been a favoured commentator on TV radio and in print for decades. Softly spoken, diplomatic and scrupulous, he is a dogged and fearless campaigner. Jeff has forged alliances between countless factions in government, industry, business, and community, producing one constructive outcome for the environment after the other, since becoming involved in the campaign to protect the rainforests 36 years ago when he was at university studying Economics. Jeff’s achievements range from pushing policy and legislation to protect clean air, restore urban rivers, conserve our coasts, wetlands and wilderness, combat climate change, reform business and government to embrace environmental sustainability, prevent broad-scale land clearing, save our common green spaces, and more. He is also Convenor and CEO of the Boomerang Alliance of 46 groups, which has won the container deposits campaign and is tackling marine plastic pollution. Jeff published 'Green is Good' (ABC Books) in 2008 and is a regular and highly respected media commentator. Jeff has been awarded an Order of Australia and Centenary Medal.
Areas of expertise: All issues including boomerang alliance waste and recycling campaigns
Contact details: [email protected], 02 9211 5022
Ruth Hessey - Media and Communications
Ruth's public speaking experience ranges from her work as an educator in schools and for the Museum Of Sydney delivering education programs tailored around the museum's exhibitions, to radio broadcaster for the ABC and 89.7fm (currently she hosts 89.7fm's weekly environment themed Monday Drive program), and television presenter for the ABC and World Movies. Ruth regularly hosts Q&As with visiting filmmakers, and moderates OzDox monthly documentary masterclass sessions at AFTRS. Ruth has been Communications Director at TEC for 8 years. She wrote and directed the award winning documentary film Waste Not, for TEC. Ruth has been published in three anthologies of women's writing by Hardie Grant, and several critical cinema anthologies.
Areas of expertise: Media and Communications, TEC featured campaigns
Contact details: [email protected], 02 9211 5022
Mark Byrne - Energy Market Advocate
Mark is a former urban planner who also has a Masters in International Law and a PhD in the humanities. He is the author of two books, six booklets, a dozen papers and countless newspaper articles. He is also a former lecturer and has facilitated about a hundred public events including energy conferences. He comes to the TEC after several years as an environmental educator with the NSW Environmental Defenders Office.
Areas of expertise: Green energy
Contact details: [email protected], 02 9211 5022
Lisa Wriley - Waste Campaigner
Lisa has a rare gift for working with communities, and extensive experience as an educator in schools. She is particularly sympathetic towards younger students but having two teenage boys of her own, Lisa can wrangle any age group.
She loves animating the campaign world with characters and creative sculptures, running stalls, and using play and games to get the facts across. Lisa can strike up a conversation with anyone from any walk of life. Her passion for the environment and deep knowledge of waste and recycling issues after decades of campaigning, coupled with a warm and affable manner make her one of the most effective communicators on our team.
With her background in Education for Sustainability, Lisa also helps schools to set up Worm Tubs for their organic waste, and teaches composting skills at Kariong Eco Garden, and Central Coast schools.
Areas of expertise: Sustainability, waste management and recycling, fun ways to communicate facts
Contact details: [email protected], 02 9211 5022