Thank you for caring about Sydney Basin's koala habitat. Ever since we were established in 1972, TEC has been fighting to protect our urban bushland with some successes - but the threats continue. The fate of Sydney Basin's koala population rests with us and you.
Your donation will be put immediately to work on this urgent campaign - to protect this rare and beautiful species.
Every donation $2 and over is tax deductible. Total Environment Centre is a DGR1 endorsed charity.
Thank you so much for your support!
DONATE ONLINE VIA PAYPAL - via this link - you don't need to have a PayPal account
Other methods of donating:
• Cheque - please make payable to Total Environment Centre Inc. and post to PO Box K61, Haymarket
NSW 1240, with a note stating that your donation is for our Koalas campaign.
• Credit Card - Mastercard & Visa. Please conact Jenn ([email protected] / 02 9211 5022) with your credit
card details and let her know that your donation is for our Koalas campaign.
5022) to confirm that your donation is for our Koalas campaign and to request a receipt.
Any queries, please contact our donations administrator, Jenn ([email protected] / 02 9211 5022).