We are urgently calling on the community to support our campaign to protect the critical habitat and koala corridor at Mallaty Creek. The government plans to fence off Mallaty Creek as part of urban development plans in the Cumberland Plain that we have been fighting for years. This decision threatens the survival of the healthiest koala colony in NSW.


Mallaty Creek is the most direct east-west corridor connecting the Georges River and the Nepean River, recognised by the NSW Government as a Biodiversity Corridor of Regional Significance. This habitat is essential for the survival of koalas, feeding directly into the new Georges River Koala National Park. Despite being recognised by the Chief Scientist in the past and included in the Final Cumberland Plain Assessment Report, the government’s current plans could devastate this critical area.

Our petition urges NSW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe to act now to protect the Mallaty Creek koala corridor by maintaining its current status and enhancing it with additional underpasses along Appin Road. This would significantly improve connectivity for koalas and align with best practice recommendations for wildlife corridors.

We have been speaking directly to representatives in government about this issue, and we want to show that there is strong public support. Please sign and share with your contacts to safeguard our precious South West Sydney Koalas.

Read the full article on the Sydney Basin Koala Network website for more detailed information on why Mallaty Creek is so crucial and the specific actions needed to safeguard our koalas.

Tell NSW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe to save Mallaty Creek! Sign the petition today by clicking on this link.

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