TEC Community Action

TEC works closely with communities determined to protect the character and natural assets of their neighbourhoods across Sydney.

Work with us to save your local bushland, which is under siege from the state government's tree clearing laws and development projects. Our information forums across Sydney in 2017 created the SOS Green Spaces campaign network - you can register for your area by clicking the links below. In 2019 work with us to save Sydney's koalas, demand better community consultation, and hold developers accountable.

On 25 August in 2017, new laws came into effect which have had a huge impact on the character and appearance of large parts of Sydney. Will your suburb and surrounding areas be affected?


These new laws have been critiqued and vigorously opposed by a wide range of scientists, environmentalists and community groups because they will allow a considerable increase in tree clearing and development which will erode bushland across NSW, including the Greater Sydney area. 

Sydney's continuing economic boom means the city will have to accomodate hundreds of thousands of new residents in the coming decades. Pressure to develop, even at the expense of Sydney's world famous natural beauty, has over-ridden every objection, no matter how well researched and documented, to the weakening of environmental protections. 


Unfortunately the areas which have been identified for new housing development also contain some of our city's most precious bushland and wildlife, including Sydney's last remnant populations of Koala.

The koala represents but one of thousands of unique Australian native species that careless planning could drive to extinction. Human habitat will also be radically altered by the new laws.


Possibly in response to growing community disquiet, the NSW Department of Planning recently announced it will spend the next 12 months developing a Strategic Sustainability Plan for 7 Western Sydney Local Government Areas, which will identify upfront which areas of bushland will be conserved and which will be developed.

The 7 Local Government Areas affected by this decision are: Campbelltown, Camden, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Liverpool, Penrith and Wollondilly.


The Total Environment Centre believes that this is the last chance to protect Western Sydney's remaining bushland and critical green corridors, and we are committed to working with local communities to get the best possible conservation outcomes. 

Our event series of targeted SOS Green Spaces Forums in 2017 offered unique insights into what will happen to your community. In 2018 we've focussed on Western Sydney's embattled koala colony and the push by local carers to create a new national park to ensure their protection.

In 2019 we'll be keeping a close eye on the state government's new Community Participation Charter and its "feel good" policies. Will they actually improve the currently dire situation?

Our Forums in 2017:

  • Last chance for Western Sydney bushland? 

    This forum features Justine De Torres, Director Biodiversity and Sustainability, NSW Department of Planning and Environment; Nari Sahukar, Senior Solicitor Law Reform and Policy, Environmental Defender's Office NSW. Discussion will focus on the Department's Western Sydney Sustainability Plan + new tree clearing laws.

  • Trees in the Shire: New Clearing Rules

    The forum's speakers will address how the new laws will affect the Sutherland Shire's unique natural heritage: Jemilah Hallinan, Outreach Director Community Programs, Environmental Defender's Office NSW;Jeff Angel, Executive Director Total Environment Centre.

  • Trees in Sydney's North: New Clearing Laws 

    Tree clearing will fundamentally alter the character of some of Sydney's leafiest heritage suburbs. The forum will address your concerns and how we can impact the government's Strategic Sustainability Plan: with Emily Ryan, Outreach Director Professional Programs, Environmental Defender's Office NSW; Jeff Angel, Executive Director Total Environment Centre

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