The controversial Lendlease (LL) development for 1700 houses in Koala country west of Campbelltown is pushing ahead – but we have one last chance to save the key wildlife corridor and endangered species. LL have submitted a "planning proposal" that ignores a crucial 250m addition to the Menangle Creek link between the Georges River Koala colony and the bushland to the west along the Nepean River. This was required by the Local Planning Panel (Condition 22A) after it heard submissions from the community and advice from the Chief Scientist of NSW. In the south of Stage 1 Lendlease propose to clear a "critically endangered ecological community"*
Campbelltown Council have approved the development and it is now going to the Minister for Planning for his final say. He can also require an underpass on Appin Road (overriding the reluctance of TransportNSW) so Koalas can avoid the dangers of the open road. The Environment Minister can exert pressure to ensure an improved outcome for these Koalas and the wildlife of the Cumberland Plain – which is just hanging on!
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* Narrow-leaved Iron Bark - Broad-leaved Ironbark - Grey Gum open forest which forms part of the Shale Sandstone Transition Forest community
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