Charity, Church and Local Gov support NSW CDS

With a NSW government decision on a container deposit system (CDS) is expected in the next few weeks, prominent charity, church, local governmentand green groups have joined in a call for the promised ‘world’s best’ system.The Baird government has been considering a ten cent refundable deposit scheme and a drinks industry alternative.


“Container Deposit Systems (CDS), operating in over 40 jurisdictions around the world,are a proven and efficient way to recover litter and increase recycling of beverage containers. We are looking to the NSW Government to delivera ‘world class scheme’,run by the community for the community,” the groups said.

Rosalie Batistoni, Acting CEO, Scouts NSW said:
“It is important that the NSW Government recognisesthat charities and social enterprises deliver benefits both in terms of ensuring an adequate spread of redemption opportunities for consumers and to raise donations for our vital community work. The Scouts play a vital role in the South Australian CDS and we are ready to do the same in NSW.”

Rev Andrew Williams, Synod General Secretary, Uniting Church (NSW/ACT) said:
“If we can turn every littered bottle or can into ten cents to serve our community, then we’re really doing worthwhile work.Every community will benefit.”

Keith Rhoades, President of LGNSW said:
“Councils spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year picking up litter –money that would be far better invested in other community services. We see a 10 cent reward per container as a real incentive to return it for recycling, and that works in everyone’s favour. And if we include containers presented in kerbside recycling as part of a comprehensive CDS we’ll be making huge strides towards a healthier environment and genuinely sustainable communities.”

Miles Lochhead, Deputy Convenor, Community RecyclingNetworkof Australia said:
“A benefit of CDS is the prospect of increased employment for the disadvantaged and the opportunity for financial stability of 'local' social enterprise (and) community drop-off and re-use/repair centres. Tapping into the existing social enterprise economy will ensure cost effective solutions for container management and littering. Further, a 'world class' Scheme will help to stabilise markets for recovered commodities and contribute to the growing circular economy."

Ian Kiernan AO, Chairman, Clean Up Australia said:
“When you see a littered container, you will see ten cents –and the environment will be cleaned up quick. It works in other countries and it will work here. We’ve needed a CDS for years –the sooner the Baird government delivers one, the better.”

Jeff Angel, Convenor/Director of the Boomerang Allianceof 35 groups said:
“A world class container deposit scheme will deliver multiple and sustainable benefits to NSW –jobs, income for charities, greater recycling and a cleaner environment, including tackling the marine plastic pollution crisis. It’s time for NSW to take a historic decision that will greatly benefit present and future generations.”

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