Winter Appeal
Total Environment Centre's record as an outstanding advocate for our natural resources is indomitable! Why not find out exactly what your donation means to our vital work? We have bold new campaign objectives to share.
Throughout our 46 year history, Total Environment Centre has confronted some of the most powerful opponents to environment protection across Australia – and won.
You can help us maintain the record by making a donation today.
With your support we are campaigning to:
Save our urban tree canopy – it’s so important for shade, wildlife and local character in our congested cities. We all appreciate what our local trees give us.
Stop plastic pollution - there's worldwide alarm and Australia must have strong new laws. We are also mobilising the community with our Ocean Action Pod educational events and AUSMAP microplastic citizen science program.
Support recycling and reuse – more landfill and waste to energy will only miss the local business opportunities emerging from China’s ban on importing contaminated material. This is a generational turning point that can deliver a circular economy and new jobs.
Achieve a Koala protection system for the last surviving colonies on the edge of Sydney. How many cities can boast iconic wildlife heritage such as this? We must protect what is special about our environment.
Defend solar households and off grid power – the big power utilities want to price gouge renewables users for extra costs. They don’t like you being in charge of your electricity supply. Let’s keep their hands off our investments in green electricity.
Remove the disgraceful NSW land clearing laws, so we can protect habitat, healthy soil and waterways. The government’s deal with agribusiness and the bulldozer brigade must be overturned.
TEC has the experience and skills to add these campaigns to our record of success. With state and federal elections on the horizon, our campaigning is more relevant than ever.
Your tax deductible donation is essential to TEC's survival and our work to protect your environment.
Many thanks,
Jeff Angel, Director, Total Environment Centre