Latest Campaign News

Australia Becoming Paradise Lost
The NSW government's lax approach to conservation protection was described as a "bad Joke" in Fairfax Media today. Yet saving iconic species such as the Koala is a no-brainer if the correct mechanism are applied.

Don't Pollute My Future
Are we bequeathing our children a sustainable world? The Australia State of the Environment Report released this week makes for "dismal reading" SMH said today. TEC is working hard to turn that around.

Our Cities Are Havens For Native Wildlife
A stroll through any Australian city proves there’s no need to go bush to get in touch with native animals. Our Green Spaces are critical refuges. That's why TEC is determined to save them with our SOS Green Spaces and Living Landscapes campaigns.

Something Cool To Hoot About
TEC's weekly green news round up is broadcast on 89.7fm every Monday between 4-6pm. In this blog we look at the fate of a pair of nesting powerful owls threatened by development in Spring Gully, and Hugh Saddler explains what the hell pumped hydro storage means to our energy mix.

TEC Says Reform Energy Market Now
The need to urgently modernise energy market regulation in Australia has been identified by thirteen environmental groups and local government bodies in a submission to the Commonwealth’s Finkel review into energy security.

Will Australia Lead the Renewable Revolution - or China?
While the latest analysis from scientists at ANU reveals that Australia could be running on 100% renewable energy by 2040, China may beat us if our politicians don't improve their game. China is on a renewable energy spending spree that has made it the new global leader on climate change. But TEC isn't waiting for the penny to drop here.

Coal - financial markets decide
TEC has been working towards financial and social responsibility within the business community for many years. Now climate change has been recognised as a “material” risk to Australia’s financial system by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Business is leading where government is lagging. No amount of grandstanding, political donations from the mining industry or clean coal spin will work and the government should recognise that the Paris Climate Agreement is embedded in the investor mainstream. "TheTurnbull government should get with the future," said Jeff Angel, Executive Director of TEC.

You've Been Warmed...
What a week! People were frying eggs on car bonnets in the Central Desert, flying foxes fell cooked to death mid-air in Singleton, Casino and Richmond, a firestorm destroyed homes and livestock near Dunnydoo and Uarby, and the state was only saved from rolling blackouts by wind and solar energy in the mix. NSW was officially the hottest place on the planet over the weekend.