Latest Campaign News

The destruction of newcastle

Mike Baird is presenting the relocation of the V8 Supercars to the Newcastle as a “done deal”. TEC is saying it will destroy one of Newcastle's most beautiful parklands.

Energy market rule-maker says no to real reform

Australia’s energy market rule-maker today baulked at a golden opportunity to modernise and decarbonise Australia’s energy system by valuing electricity generated close to where it is also consumed.

Meet Jeff Angel, Green Globes' Finalist

He’s still the last to leave the office every day, the first to be called when a media outlet wants comment or a community needs information, and the least likely to give up when the going gets tough. Not only that, “You can’t buy Jeff Angel!” After 40 years of non-stop campaigning, our executive director’s sustained effort and effective victories have been recognised with a Green Globe nomination, making him one of only three finalists for the Sustainability Champion Award. No matter how overwhelming the odds or how many times he has had to climb the same mountains to protect our shared natural inheritance, Jeff’s measured pace, calm, thoughtful approach, and perseverance have earned the respect of colleagues, opponents, journalists and politicians a-like - not to mention the TEC team. We are all inspired by his commitment every day, and proud to see Jeff pushed, however briefly, into the spotlight. It’s not a place he seeks or feels particularly comfortable. He’s only really happy walking through the bush, or working hard on our campaigns. But he deserves this recognition for 40 years of community leadership and his stewardship of Total Environment Centre because Jeff walks the talk. 

Stop the bulldozers and protect our green spaces

More and more heavy machinery is snacking on our suburbs at the behest of private developers, our own state government, or a combination of both. The casualties are nesting birds, endangered possums, innumerable tiny critters and plants, and their human friends. The greater casualty is our ecosystem, let’s call it our way of life. Communities across Sydney have contacted TEC almost every day this year upset by the spectacle of their favourite trees, green retreats, and patches of bush being chipped, mulched and crushed by bulldozers and chainsaws. The reasons are variously sited as practical, progressive and inevitable – whether it’s to build a new highway or lay out a light rail. World best practice however shows that it absolutely is possible to modernise our growing cities, making them more efficient and accessible without compromising their human scale and natural assets. Unfortunately when government puts development at any cost above the needs of our urban villages and communities, it is putting the lifestyle Australians hold dear at serious risk. Without its beautiful natural setting Sydney would be just hard work - a mass of concrete, traffic and crowds. That's not why we live here. We live here because we love the climate and the harbour, the street life, the beaches and estuaries, the tree-lined boulevards and verdant parks. Kill these off and there's nothing left to love. If you want to protect the things that make Sydney liveable and loveable, please join our SOS Green Spaces campaign  – we are knitting disparate communities together with information forums, maps, activist toolkits and strategies to protect our public parks and shared spaces. Hear community voices like yours here. Our supporters are growing. Together, we will be heard. Click here to support SOS Green Spaces 

Bushland bulldozed on Threatened Species Day

Environmental groups have called for an urgent meeting with Environment Minister Mark Speakman and the Premier about today’s bulldozing of bushland listed as critically endangered – on National Threatened Species Day.

Sydney Green Grid is in danger of whiteanting

While the NSW government’ s announcement of funding for Sydney’ s green grid is welcome –it’ s under ongoing threat because increasing numbers of parks and green spaces are being sold or alienated, Total Environment Centre said today.“A growing city needs more and better parks but you can’ t achieve that vision if councils are selling off green space; government agencies are destroying parks for infrastructure; green canopies removed for development; and bushland bulldozed for housing asset protection zones,’’ said Jeff Angel, Executive Director of the Centre.

Call to stop carbon price rorting of power bills

As the ACCC ramps up action against the private sector about carbon tax rip-offs, Total Environment Centre today called on Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan to use his federal consumer law powers to prevent state governments from forcing electricity retailers include misleading information about the carbon price impact on electricity bills.

Charity, Church and Local Gov support NSW CDS

With a NSW government decision on a container deposit system (CDS) is expected in the next few weeks, prominent charity, church, local governmentand green groups have joined in a call for the promised ‘world’s best’ system.The Baird government has been considering a ten cent refundable deposit scheme and a drinks industry alternative.  

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