Latest Campaign News

The Trees Are Listening!

Even without using a "brain", new research indicates that plant intelligence rivals that of humans. (And let's face it we don't use ours as much as we should). On Monday Drive this week we chatted with Dr Monica Gagliano, about how plants don't like noise pollution anymore than we do. 

The Power of Green Spaces

You can get that holiday feeling any time if you have access to a green space. We collected some facts about the practical gifts of verdant sanctuaries, and selected some TEC staff favourites from the Easter Break.

Decarbonise Or Perish

Parts of Australia will become unliveable in our lifetime, unless the Australian government fully embraces renewable energy and we decarbonise our energy supply, said leading scientists this week. TEC has been arguing the same point for years!

Myopic Transport Planning Shakes Public Trust

Bad for our health. Bad for Business. TEC has called out the NSW government's record of destroying parks, bushland and recreational areas across NSW by directing major infrastructure funding towards toll roads rather than into sustainable public transport projects. 

Talented Turtles

Would you believe the health of our rivers is seriously threatened by the decline of our freshwater turtle populations? Like all our native species they've evolved as the housekeepers of our ecosystems, and they keep the water fresh and clean.


The Total Environment Centre has initiated a powerful new network of communities concerned about the growing assault on our green spaces, which kicked off with an SOS Green Spaces Forum on April 1. 

TEC Tackles Plastic Food Wrapping

Today we worked with SMH to expose massive plastic packaging abuse in supermarkets, highlighting “Marketing Gone Mad”. By applying pressure to retailers, we can end this deadly pollution killing marine life, contaminating our human food chain and wasting resources.

SOS Green Spaces Forum

TEC's SOS Green Spaces Forum On April 1, attracted over a hundred representatives of dozens of community groups from across Sydney and beyond. It was a fantastic day of information sharing and strategy building.

NSW Environment Policy Missing In Action

  TEC campaign results are "among the few positives" in the the state government’s environment record according to a damning review of the Coalition's conservation policies.

Energy Solutions, Not More Nonsense

  Even as the latest marine heat wave blasts the Great Barrier Reef, our politicians continue to ignore the most cost effective way to transition to energy sources that don’t heat the planet. But the market is overtaking them!  

The Wealth At Our Feet

How often do we overlook the wonders of the knee high world? Are our children missing out on the tadpole thrills of yore? We had a chat to an expert about the critters keeping soil, seeds, and ear drums thrumming...

Why "Human" Rights Should Apply To Ecosystems

Our "relationship" with natural ecosystems is very similar to our relationship with other humans - symbiotic, mutually beneficent, and absolutely crucial to our survival. This is why New Zealand just gave human rights to a river.

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