Latest Campaign News

Energy Market Forces

Australia's energy future is already being shaped by market forces, but the Turnbull government has decided to interrupt the natural rise of renewable energy with its recent bullying of AGL.

Our Very Own Gilead - a marsupial tale....

Straight from the pages of the Handmaid's Tale - Sydney has its very own fertility apocalypse, happening now in Campbelltown. The state government's recent rezoning will threaten the last healthy koala population in NSW, forcing breeding matriarchs to face down more killer dogs, roads and habitat destruction.      

Passion Pod

TEC's popular Ocean Action Pod was down at Coogee for Earth Day last weekend after a busy few months visiting schools and local councils. There are POD posters, visual displays, and lots of stimulating activities available now.

NEGative Energy Attitudes

Energy Policy in Australia continues to suffer from ideological objections to market and environment based what does the National Energy Guarantee really mean for our future?

Patience For Waste Scheme

After waiting for decades, responses to the implementation of new container deposit schemes in various states have been mixed. TEC Director Jeff Angel clears up some misconceptions.

New Trees - As Good As Old?

No one is sure what was wrong with the old trees we already had - but Gladys Berejiklian has promised to plant millions more "new trees" to make the ghosts of the heritage tree canopy we have lost go away. Will it help Sydney cool down?  


While the NSW government’s 5 million tree plan for Sydney is a step in the right direction – it won’t achieve its 40% canopy target unless existing trees on private and public land are protected, Total Environment Centre said today.


The NSW Premier has announced a new green spaces policy today including new funding, with future programs in the wings.  The policy is being interpreted as a response to Sydney’s “liveability” crisis by TEC and dozens of community groups that have been campaigning for a halt to the decimation of thousands of trees and many parks in recent years.


There is no Sydney community less able to defend itself, or more in need of staying connected than Sydney’s Koala community right now, Total Environment Centre said today. Is there any space for Koalas in the Greater Sydney Commission’s new ‘Western City District Plan: Connecting Communities’ plan?


Antarctica is melting. Burning coal is causing air pollution and other health crises around the world. What better time to update TEC's Green Energy Guide? How will it help you get cleaner air and a fairer future?

Australia's Waste Crisis

"China no longer wants to be the West’s dumping ground," says TEC's director, Jeff Angel, sending local councils and the recycling industry into crisis mode with its recent ban on imported waste. "But the good news is that industry and government are finally having meaningful conversations about the need to adopt a circular economy."

VALE TEC Founding Member

Jeff Angel pays tribute to one of TEC's founding members, Bob Walshe, who passed away last week. "Bob was absolutely dedicated to Australia's natural wonders, and a huge supporter of all our work for over 40 years..." 

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