Latest Campaign News


There is no Sydney community less able to defend itself, or more in need of staying connected than Sydney’s Koala community right now, Total Environment Centre said today. Is there any space for Koalas in the Greater Sydney Commission’s new ‘Western City District Plan: Connecting Communities’ plan?


Antarctica is melting. Burning coal is causing air pollution and other health crises around the world. What better time to update TEC's Green Energy Guide? How will it help you get cleaner air and a fairer future?

Australia's Waste Crisis

"China no longer wants to be the West’s dumping ground," says TEC's director, Jeff Angel, sending local councils and the recycling industry into crisis mode with its recent ban on imported waste. "But the good news is that industry and government are finally having meaningful conversations about the need to adopt a circular economy."

VALE TEC Founding Member

Jeff Angel pays tribute to one of TEC's founding members, Bob Walshe, who passed away last week. "Bob was absolutely dedicated to Australia's natural wonders, and a huge supporter of all our work for over 40 years..." 

Our democracy is under attack

The Turnbull Government has put forward three bills to Parliament that, if passed, would tie charities like us up in a fiendishly complex maze of administration and regulation, all of which would suffocate our movement’s ability to fight for change. Charities and non-for-profit are fighting back. Please support us by contacting your local MP and ask them to vote down the bills.  

Seriously, Greener Places

TEC has responded to the state government’s new “Greener Places” draft policy with a detailed 33 page submission which interrogates the potential to meet the significant public health and urban planning challenges facing the greater metropolitan area over the next 50 years.

Sydney Tree Canopy Protests Spread

The state government's lip service to "greener places" is being challenged by communities who value the bushland and parks that developers want to knock down and clear. From the inner West to the Hills district, from the North Shore to the Sutherland Shire, the protests are forging a force to be reckoned with.

Sydney Wants Answers

TEC's Community Forums have revealed that Sydney-siders want to know how the state government plans to protect Sydney's world famous native species and tree canopy for our children and grandchildren. The NSW Minister for Planning and Environment isn't giving consistent answers.

Greener Sydney Plan - is It Enough?

NICE MOVE TOWARDS GREENER SYDNEY – BUT IS IT ENOUGH? The Office of the NSW Government Architect today released its new Greener Places Draft Policy in a bid to address community concerns about significant losses of urban tree canopy and green spaces, by guaranteeing smarter planning, across Sydney.


The government will have to work hard work to overcome community cynicism about its plan for Western Sydney bushland in the face of major urban development, is the key message from TEC’s forum Last Chance for Western Sydney Bushland,  attended by over 150 residents and Local Councillors on Nov 16.  

TEC Forums Being Effective

We are working with you to take the power back! Last night over 150 people attended the latest in our series of TEC Community Forums, which are designed to ensure Sydney siders have a say in the future of their suburbs.

Last Chance For Western Sydney Bushland

As concern for the future character and natural beauty of Western Sydney mounts, residents and community groups will gain access to critical information tomorrow night, Thursday 16 November, at a forum to discuss the NSW Department of Planning’s Western Sydney Strategic Sustainability Plan.  

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